Monday, June 05, 2006

Basic Dermatology (2)

1. Vesicles and Bullae
** These terms describe different sizes of blister i.e. circumscribed elevation containing fluid.
** Vesicles(<5mm),>5mm)
** Examples: herpes simplex, pemphigus, pemphigoid.


2. Pustules
** A visible accumulation of free pus.
** Examples: pustular psoriasis, acne

Acne vulgaris

3. Crust
** An accumulation of dried exudate, serum, blood. It is commonly known as scab.
** Examples: impetigo, ecthyma.


4. Scale
** Flaking of the skin surface due to increased loss from the stratum corneum(SC).
** It implies an abnormality in SC formation or damage to the epidermis.
** Examples: psoriasis, ichthyosis, tinea infections

Ichthyosis vulgaris

5. Lichenification
** Areas of increased epidermal thickness secondary to chronic rubbing.
** Examples: eczema, lichen simplex chronicus

6. Atrophy
** Diminution of some or all layers of skin.
** In epidermal atrophy, the epidermis is thin, transparent and the vessels are prominent.
** Examples: Steroids induced atrophy

7. Excoriations
** A shallow abrasion due to scratching
** It is seen in itchy skin conditions like eczema, scabies, urticaria.

Able to give an accurate description of the skin lesions now?

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