Sunday, June 04, 2006

Basic Dermatology (1)

Many skin short case are "spot" diagnoses i.e. either you know or don't know. In PACES,we must learn to give a clear, accurate description of the lesion using dermatological terms in order to generate a reasonable differential diagnoses.

Some of the usual terms that we should be able to use accurately include:

1. Macules
** Well circumscribed change in colour of the skin. It is a discrete flat lesion.
** Examples: vitiligo, viral exanthems, cafe-au-lait spots.

2. Papules and Nodules
** Well circumscribed, solid elevated lesions.
** <1cm in diameter are papules, >1cm in diameter are nodules.
** Examples: xanthomas, molluscum contagiosum, amyloidosis.

3. Plaques
** A flat topped palpable disc shaped lesion.
** Classical examples are psoriasis, lupus erythematous.

4. Wheal
** Rounded, erythematous, flat elevation which is transient vascular response with dermal oedema.
** Examples: urticaria.

Wheal is compressible

To be continue.....

1 comment:

  1. the case of vetiligo , i would extend my examination to look for excalmation marks , pallor , thyroid status and to check for postural hypotension and urine for sugar .
