PACES MRCP UK - Where MRCPians Meet Since 2006

MRCP is well establised as an entry exam for advanced specialist training in many countries including Malaysia. It consists of 3 paper i.e. Part1, Part2(written tests) and PACES. PACES in full means Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills. It is the third part and the candidate is assessed by fellows of RCP. I passed my PACES in 2005. I am glad that many seniors had guided me throughout my preparation for PACES and I wish to share my experiences with PACES candidates via this blog.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Aortic Stenosis

Record :

I would end my exmination by checking the BP for narrow pulse pressure, fundoscopy for Roth spot, abd for splenomegaly, urinalysis for proteinuria and haematuria, all peripheral pulses.

This lady has a PR of 95/min, regular, slow rising, no radio-radial delay and no collapsing pulse. There is no clubbing or stigmata of infective endocarditis. There is no pallor, jaundice or cyanosis. JVP is not elevated. There is no pedal edema of the legs. There is a right mastectomy scar. The apex beat is not displaced, L 5th ICS at MCL, heaving in character. There is no parasternal heave or thrill felt. Normal 1st and 2nd HS. There is a Grade 3 ESM at the aortic radiating to the neck. Lungs - clear

My diagnosis is that this lady has aortic stenosis most likely due to CRHD with no evidence of PH, IE or cardiac failure.

eMRCPian : What other possible aetiology ?
Ans : Degenerative valve or Bicuspid valve

eMRCPian : What are the signs of severe AS ?
Ans : Narrow pulse pressure, Soft S2, Narrow split S2, S4, systolic thrill and heaving apex beat, cardiac failure

eMRCPian : How would you investgate this pt ?
Ans :
CXR - cardiac enlargement, calcification of valve
Echo - confirm dx, assess severity, assess LV function

eMRCPian : How do u MX this pt ?
Ans :
Divide into symptomatic and asymptomatic
Symptomatic - AV replacement
Asymptomatic - follow up pt, assess severity

AVR for asymptomatic - valvular gradient > 50 mmHg, valve area < 0.6 cm2

Score : 3/3



At 10/29/2007 05:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say that the underlying cause mostly CRHD because it's usually associated with mitral valve disease. I'd rather put first bicuspid or degenerative causes.

At 7/18/2010 12:50:00 AM, Anonymous mutasim omara said...

i would not say normal s2 inaortic stenosis because normal s2 is against the diagnosis


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