Monday, June 02, 2008

Upcoming 2nd MRCP PACES Preparatory Course

I am pleased to say that recently there has been ample of emails and personal calling-ins to enquire for the 2nd MRCP PACES preparatory course.

The 1st MRCP PACES Preparatory Course which was held September last year had been a really fruitful one, with candidates passing rate of approaching 60%! Our heart-felt thanks to all the great teachers in our midst.

Unfortunately, I'd most probably be away in the next few months, hence wouldn't be able to host this course again this year. Our associate author, Wuchereria, will tentatively be planning for one.

We'll keep you all informed about the progress. Thanks again for the support!


PS: The comic is just a joke to cheer you all up :)


  1. I am Dr Hew. I'm planning to sit for PACES this coming October in Malaysia. May I know how to contact you for the application for your MRCP PACES course?

  2. Thanks Dr Hew for your inquiry. We will put up a notice for registration once the final details are set.

    Thanks again for your keen interest.

  3. Hi...
    I'm a medical student and I just finished my final exams. I went thru all the articles here at least three times. They helped tremendously as a supplement to textbook and ward teaching.

    Thanks lots.

  4. Thanks pyh for the kind comments. It's a pleasure:)

  5. I am interested in the course too.
    When will it be held?
    Dr Tan

  6. Dr Tan, the course brochure will be uploaded in these few days. Stay tuned :)
