Monday, October 29, 2007

Quiz: Skin Station

Examine this 80 year old lady's hands and comment

(Hint, she should have died long ago, and yet's she's fit as a fiddle. Her mother had the same condition and died her 80s)

Cases and photos contributed by Giant Eagles


  1. XANTHELASMA,TENDON XATHOMATA of Hands&achilles tendon;Familial Combined HyperLIPIDEMIA

  2. This is familial hypercholetrolemia
    The reason she didn't have MI before because she is hetrozygote & probably not eating western diet & taking medication.

  3. This lady has familial hypercholesterolaemia,autosomal dominant inheritance.pitures shows
    1.xanthlasmata palpabrarum
    2.tendon xanthomas
    3.achillus tendon xanthoma.
    The God & HDL protect her & her mother

  4. Axenopathic,Wucheraria, Giant eagles, E mrcpian where are YOU? long time we did not read from you
    I hope everything is fine.
