MRCP is well establised as an entry exam for advanced specialist training in many countries including Malaysia. It consists of 3 paper i.e. Part1, Part2(written tests) and PACES.
PACES in full means Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills. It is the third part and the candidate is assessed by fellows of RCP.
I passed my PACES in 2005. I am glad that many seniors had guided me throughout my preparation for PACES and I wish to share my experiences with PACES candidates via this blog.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Cerebellar Gait
Instruction: Tests this patient's gait.
Presentation: The patient has a broad-based gait. He is unable to perform tandem walking.
Proceed as follows: Tell the examiner that you would like to examine the patient for other cerebellar signs.
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