Thursday, November 23, 2006

Paget's Disease

My diagnosis is that this elderly lady has Paget’s disease as evidence by enlargement of the skull, bowing of the Right tibia which is warmer than the left one. She also has a hearing aid which suggests her condition is complicated by deafness. She is kyphotic.

I would like to look at the fundus for optic atrophy and angioid streaks, examining the CVS for heart failure. I would also do a urinalysis for evidence of hematuria (urolithiasis).

Investigations include ALP, urinary hydroxyproline which are elevated and a normal Ca and PO4.

**When is biphosphonates indicated for Paget's ds?

posted by Wuchereria

1 comment:

  1. indications for treating pageet's disease are
    1- pain
    2-neurological complications as deafness or spinal cord compression
    3- disease in wt bearing bones
    4-prevention oflong term complications
    5-young patients
    6-in preparation of surgery
    8-following fracture
